Monday, November 13, 2006

The origin of Eastern Philosophy

Normally we can assume the early man used to wonder and worry about lightenings, thunders, diseases and animals. After some thousands of years, he started living socially collectively forming communes. After achieving food , shelter, protection from animals, enemies wise persons starte to think and analyze the universe, its formation, the primal cause for the universe. One way of thinking tells us that after serious meditations, pondering, thinking and analyzing by pious people, they started understanding the cause, theme behind this universe. This knowledge was handed over to next generation and that has been getting modified and getting refined and now we got that in improved form.
Tags: eastern philosophy eastern philosophy review, philosophy eastern, eastern philosophies, eastren philosophy, eastern philosophers
But another story is when any pious person meditates he would understand the truth which explains about entire thing. This is called realization. Thats why, there is no modification, no improvement but the same truth prevails always. These learned men are called gurus, rishis and saints. They teach it to their desciples and that was handed over to next generations to practically test it.