Eastern philosophy-The ultimate philosophy

Eastern philosophy comes from eastern part of globe.East is always ahead of the rest of the world in philosophy. Civilization started early in eastern countries like India.So all the wise men, learned men in these eastern countries renounced the worldly pleasures and started meditating on the prime reason sor the creation and about the creator . This resulted in to philosophy which is called eastern philosophy. This eastern philosophy started way back 50 thousand years back and before that also. Their eastern philosophy is carried to other countries and the phiosophers from countries persia, rome, africa were influenced by this and they also applied their thinking process to discuss the philosophy in their own words. Who ever may be the preacher, the truth is one and the truth is same for all. There may be different angles to look at it at different planes. So there appears differences in philosophies but if you reach the top plane , all these philosophies into a single philosophy which is called eastern philosophy.
Great philosophers lived here. Vashista, vamana, jaimini, vyasa vaisampayana like great philosphers, astavakra like practical philosophers lived here and distributed the knowledge of philosophy. Ramayana and Mahabharata epics were built on the foundations of this philosophy. Upanishads are the essence of the truth and resulted into part of eastern philosophy. If you understand the upanishad, which are the end parts of vedas, that is the ultimate truth. Bhagawad geetha stands tall among all the buildings of philosophy and it is the gist of all the philosophy conveyed by the ultimate master of philosophy and spirituality.
After birth of Jesus Christ there was lot of spirituality mixed philosophy in western hemisphere of the globe. But before christ, Lord buddha was born in India and enlightened in India. His teachings, philosophy are based on the above mentioned philosophy . Ther other great preachers, saints like Mohammed, mahaveer, jorasthra all continued their teachings on these same lines if you watch their philosophy reviews.
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